Collaboration with Julien Hamilton & Sten Heijster


When switching from one language to another, we face moments of losing details due to the differences in sensibility or physiology in cultures. These gaps deriving from translation are undeniable - and they bring unintentional surprises. 

The audio holds the evolution of the definition of the word “to conform” throughout the digital and human translation process. The meaning warps as the sentence gets translated many times, just as the portrait you see in the mirror changes gradually. 

The mirror invites the viewer to position and frame themselves. Within the mirror, the viewer steps into a moment where they toggle back and forth between their reflection and the AI-generated moving image. This combination of video and self-reflection depicts the phenomenon of oneself adapting to another environment while maintaining their position inside themselves despite the switches.

Special thanks to Kaoru Seki, Myra Crane, Katia Lehnhoff, Verena Koschu, Anna Meisser, Francis Belte, and Eugi Manenti

Conforming, installation view of the Exhibition, “Aberrant Readings,” 2022

TENT, Rotterdam

© Diana Oliveira, TENT

© Diana Oliveira, TENT

© Diana Oliveira, TENT

© Diana Oliveira, TENT


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